Photo Round Up

Here are some photos taken on the trail cameras in the last fortnight:

Trail camera
Last night at the peanuts. This badger is last year’s cub.
Trail camera
Last night on the perch
Trail camera
We had to put the peanuts out early one day. Ten minutes after this photo, all the peanuts had gone. Never before been visited by Seagulls in numbers like this. Even the Magpie is daunted, although the Crow is not.
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A Pheasant stretching his wings.
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Time to change the sheets in the badger sett. This is the female badger.
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Always a shock to see the badgers in the daylight. This is the male badger aka Scarface. He was out and about until 8.30am.

A lovely assortment of February stuff going on here!

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